STM32 Posts about STM32 microcontrollers. Posts Controlling WS2812(B) leds using STM32 HAL SPI This code came to light during the need for a simple driver for WS2812 leds. Protocol The WS2812/WS2812B leds use 24 bits for the green, red and blue values. Bits on the data line are encoded by a high pulse followed by a low pulse. STM32 How to use printf with STM32 UART You have to implement a special function (_write) to tell the C-library how to process the output from the printf function. STM32 STM32F401/411 black pill development board Similar form factor to the blue pill boards. However this board is much more powerful and of a much better build quality. ARM STM32 STM32F103 blue pill development board There are many boards featuring the STM32F103. The blue pill is probably the cheapest one of them. ARM STM32